Oracle of Consciousness

#132 - Be That Light

Prophecies and Predictions

Since time immemorial, civilisations, groups and individuals have been making predictions and suggestions - as to what our future might look like.

Perhaps they were glimpsing into an expanded version of NOW (Present Time) and they based their ideas upon their perceptions of the direction where civilisation may be going?

Some of these were Mayans, Hopis, Christian mystics, Sufi prophets, people from all over the world.

In Africa, India, and Mongolia to name just three, every culture had these sages and groups of people who made predictions and prophecies about where humanity is heading.

Some have come true.

clear marble ball near seashore

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

clear marble ball near seashore

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

clear marble ball near seashore

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

And there was the other side of the coin, where the predictions were all doom and gloom, that we are heading for complete and utter disaster, the end of humanity, the end of civilisation!

Much of this has been misconstrued as 'The End Times', predicted 2012 as to be the end of a way of being, not necessarily the end of the world.

So we can take heed, and some solace in what has been prophesied and predicted, while understanding that they may not come to fruition.

Remembering that we create our own and ultimately, the collective reality of what is transpiring.

"The darkest shadows occur in the brightest light.”

Think about that for a moment, in the brightest sunshine, you have the most distinct, darkest shadows.

On an overcast day your shadows are not so strong, and sharp.

If we put our attention on our shadow, as magical as it is the way it follows us around and we just look at the shadow, then we fail to see what's actually causing it.

The cause of that dark shadow, is the brightest light.

So, we need to turn around and look up at the source of the light that is creating this dark shadow.

In this case it is the Sun, but please don't stare directly at it!

This is the metaphor for where are we going at this current period of time, humanity is going through an unprecedented

The Human Metamorphosis.

The Conscious Evolution of the Human family.

We are witnessing a great deal of shadow work and shadow effects that are emerging and arising to be viewed, healed and released.

But if we really look at where and why this is occurring, this is the human transformation and we need to keep some of our attention on the light, the infinite, who we are beyond the shadow, while diligently working through our fear-based 'stuff'!

This is an extraordinary time for us as individuals and humanity, to create something new on our precious earth.

So keep your focus on the light.

You are that light, it is infinite.

It has no ending.

This Sovereignty is who you are at the deepest core, carry that around with you in and through your heart.

This is the answer for us to keep our heads high, steeped in our freedom and not constantly looking at all the ill-effects of the egoic-mind created shadows that are occurring around the planet.

See it for what it is, but don't make it worse!

Shine your light on yourself first and then onto those around you, your family, friends, community
and our world.

Humanity needs your light.

Be that light!